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[【Step drill】 how to use hand drill drill]
Release date:[2017/4/14] A total of reading[1072]

A new tool to hand, the first problem is to use it before the inspection work, the use of step drill is no exception. Handle the use of step drill, the following work must be done.
1. Check the return pump running direction, oil level, air running current, slow load current, check the air floater drive, skimmer transmission, reducer oil level.
2. Check the centering wheel, drive wheel, tug oil cup oil. Check the screw pump stator and rotor are killed, such as the need to add oil with a pipe clamp pull, easy to start.
3. Check the step drill pipe water valve is open, check the pressure gauge valve is open.
4. Check the electrical, power, instrument is open, check the air compressor steering and lubrication.
5. Check the air compressor gas control relay is normal.

After doing the above check work, the steps drill can begin to work, and its work will be a lot of smooth. Do not believe, you try it! Professional step drill production, Changzhou good Tools Co., Ltd. for your portrait to provide, welcome to see Yo ~

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